Beurer has now launched its first Shiatsu massage seat cover, which features an integrated body-scan function – the new MG 300. In terms of the massage experience, this means that the massage is tailored individually to you and suits your personal needs. The automatic body-scanning function provides a customized massage experience with three automatic massage programs, ranging from a penetrating Shiatsu to a rolling or swing massage. Moreover, other functions such as spot massage, adjustable massage roller widths and the switch-on light and heat function in the massage seat cover combine to provide an overall sense of well-being in the XL massage area.
Seat Massager MG-300
Beurer has now launched its first Shiatsu massage seat cover, which features an integrated body-scan function – the new MG 300. In terms of the massage experience, this means that the massage is tailored individually to you and suits your personal needs. The automatic body-scanning function provides a customized massage experience with three automatic massage programs, ranging from a penetrating Shiatsu to a rolling or swing massage. Moreover, other functions such as spot massage, adjustable massage roller widths and the switch-on light and heat function in the massage seat cover combine to provide an overall sense of well-being in the XL massage area.
99 in stock
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