Pulse Oximeter Beurer Germany

This product measures heart rate (frequency of pulse) and arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2). The measurement is easy and totally painless. It characterizes lightweight and small %u2013, enabling its usage while travelling or at home. During sports of high altitudes, this device ideal.

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This product measures heart rate (frequency of pulse) and arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2). The measurement is easy and totally painless. It characterizes lightweight and small %u2013, enabling its usage while travelling or at home. During sports of high altitudes, this device ideal. The display is backed by 4 existing views. Reading of the pulse is displayed graphically and the brightness of this display could be adjusted. It has a belt pouch and a retaining strap. It serves victims of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, bronchial asthma and heart failure.


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